New Year's Eve Two-step Renovation

Designers also bluntly said that if consumers really want to catch up with the New Year's decoration and want no loss, it is best to follow the industry's so-called "end-of-year renovation schedule" to ensure that nothing is lost.

Jin Yi Tao Ceramics

Years ago: Talking about Designing to Buy Grassroots

Years Later: Checking for defects

The Spring Festival came early. It is now at the end of the year. Mr. Guo, a reader who is catching up with the end of the year, has concerns about “cross-year decoration”. The decoration that could have been completed in one or two months could have been completed. If a Spring Festival holiday will “multiple incidents”, will the duration be extended? Whether the quality will have an impact and whether the cost will increase?

In this regard, the industry sources said that "cross-year decoration" is indeed a troublesome and slightly embarrassing thing. The trouble is that the Spring Festival is a period of severe winters. The temperature and humidity are not suitable for decoration. Therefore, the construction sequence is rather inconsiderate. The trick is that no matter whether the owners, designers, or workers are using their brains for the New Year, they cannot concentrate on the decoration. on. However, the designers also bluntly said that if consumers really want to catch up with the New Year's decoration and want to have no loss, it is best to follow the industry's so-called "year-end renovation plan" to be able to guarantee nothing.

Years ago plan

Talk about good design, be prepared to do the basic quality test first

The closing time is at the end of the year, and you do not want to leave all the decoration issues until next spring. If you catch up with the "New Year's Eve" decoration, industry insiders suggest that as long as the starting time is more than a month away from the Chinese New Year holiday, it will be timely to discuss the design plan and complete some of the construction work.

As for the core contents of the renovation project of the previous year, experts believe that negotiating the design proposal first is the most direct guarantee for the progress of the project in the future. Years ago, the construction time was relatively compact, and each step had its planned duration. At this time, a precise, complete and detailed design proposal could help the project proceed in an orderly manner. Otherwise, as soon as one of the details is not consistent with expectations and needs to be repeated, it will take three or four days.

If you talk about designing in order to make preparations, then first-level renovation is mainly to test whether the construction quality is flawed. Experts said that the construction projects to be done in the previous year were mostly grassroots-level processing, such as hydropower reforms, wall surface treatment, tile paving and on-site carpentry work.

In addition, if the veneer needed to be used later is shipped to the decoration site years ago, it is best to apply a layer of primer on it first, so that even if you use the board for more than a month, you will not be warped. In the eyes of professionals, it was not convenient to first make a living at the base of the year, but it was just possible to test the quality of the construction through a downtime, because only after a strong alternation between cold and warm can you see whether the wall base is in place or not. Whether the body will crack.

Buy the main material, save the budget, save the furniture, save time

When it comes to designing and doing grassroots work, it seems that designers and workers are the leading activists. Will the owners be able to rest before years ago? Experts denied this idea. In fact, it was actually the owner’s most busy time. In addition to preparing basic work for the renovation, all procurement of main materials and custom furniture should be done during this period.

Why the main materials and furniture must be rushed to buy before the year ago, experts for consumers to dispel doubts: the end of the year is usually the off-season of decoration and main materials sales, but also the time for all businesses and stores to catch up with the turnover. The combination of the two main reasons caused the price of the main material or furniture to be kept at the lowest level throughout the year. Or re-estimate the cost, or reinstall the listing, and according to the law of previous years, it is the price increase period for all the goods. Therefore, purchasing main materials before the year can save about 15% of the budget.

At the same time, experts also recommend that all custom-made furniture is also best placed at the end of the year, in addition to saving money, but also help the owner save time. Because, custom furniture usually takes a period of 20 days, such as orders after the Spring Festival may be due to the late factory start time, or poor working conditions of workers cause product production cycle or quality problems. If the order is placed within a month or so before the holiday, it will not only guarantee the delivery time, but will also give itself a cushion.

Years later plan

Oil job inspection missing patch

Accessories on the wall with new ideas

Years ago, if work was completed step by step, the Spring Festival holiday would be much easier. After more than half a month's work stoppage, the basic treatment of the wall and the drying of the putty are clear at a glance. If there are no problems such as cracking and cracking, the final painting and wallpapering stage can be entered. The job of the oil worker is to check the lack of leaks while brushing the paint, so as to ensure that the house's "texture construction" is perfectly safe.

When the paint is dry and the taste is dispersed, the consumer can perform the final step of the decoration - "home decoration". According to experts, in fact what kind of style should be arranged in the home, when the project was discussed with the designer years ago, the owner had a concept. Therefore, in order to make the decoration work of the year high efficiency and good quality, consumers may wish to use more time during the Chinese New Year. Hometown or seller decorated the shop, buy some affordable and in line with their own style of jewelry.

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