There is always regret in the decoration

There is always regret in the decoration
Renovation is a big project that takes a lot of thought. It is often just beginning to think well and is very comprehensive. However, it is still a lot of decoration and regret, but here are some common examples. I hope everyone can The decoration can play a reminder. Wall surface
$ K- L3 ~ $ t { decoration regret 1: the white wall will never let you decorate regret. The original decoration is always thinking of a house brush and one color, I feel so very sentimental, in fact, is not the case. For example, with a pink or wheat color, light rose color, as long as a touch of color, at night with a fluorescent lamp that makes you feel dizzy. F3 v- p% b8 w; { c2 F- d decoration regret two: decoration must pay attention to practicality, can not just look good. There was a flue in the wall of my kitchen cabinet. At that time, the decoration was for color matching, and the paint was paint. Now cooking oil is stained with very bad cleaning. Jinzhou Real Estate Forum, Jinzhou Owners Community, Jinzhou Decoration Forum) n7 x5 k6 ]; v; k, o Renovation regret three: The color of the bedroom paint is more and more uncomfortable. The original thought was very good. The choice of barley color was very popular at that time. We also think that this color is more suitable for our family, but now it looks particularly old, and my friends say it is not very good. This is my biggest decoration decoration regret. 1 w- K$ b$ hX- x1 q; S decoration regret four: home can not knock the wall as far as possible not to knock, although you can save some space, but the problem is also many, such as bearing, rebuilt wall Not necessarily good.
"[1 I (G3 X4 f, I! G) l Decoration regrets five: If the summer screens are installed earlier, or the flies will be excreted on the wall, you will have yellow marks on the white wall, but also rub Can not afford. Jinzhou Real Estate Network Forum Community + z! z" t9; ? 4 `4 V

O. P: _a& r( S* ?+ E" H: P8 v Decoration is a big project that requires much thought. It is often just beginning to think well and is very comprehensive. However, it has been renovated. In the place where decoration is regrettable, some common examples are shown below, and we hope to play a reminder role in everyone's decoration.; ["e3 m"

Tree Pool Cover, also known as tree protection board, tree fence, etc., Its main role is to suppress the dust, prevent the destruction of human factors on the roots and to protect the appearance of the city's appearance. It has a wide variety of types, including fiberglass grille type, wrought iron type, mold custom type, galvanized type, and steel grille type. Tree pool cover belongs to the plat Steel Grating which can be made to various kinds.

The following types of products can be produced in our factory: Steel grate board tree guard, steel grill tree guard board, grille board tree guard board, steel lattice board guard tree board, steel grating board tree pool cover plate, steel grille Tree pool cover, grate plate tree pool cover, steel grating tree pool cover, steel grating plate tree fence, steel grille tree fence, grating plate tree fence, steel grating tree fence, galvanized steel grid tree pool rake, galvanized steel grille tree pool rake, galvanized grille panel tree pool rake, Galvanized Steel Grating tree pool rake, galvanized steel grid plate tree guard, galvanized steel grille tree care Boards, galvanized grille panels, galvanized steel panels, galvanized steel grilles, tree pool cover, galvanized steel grille tree cover, galvanized grille tree pool cover , galvanized steel grating tree pool cover, galvanized steel grating board tree fence, galvanized steel grating tree fence, galvanized grating board tree fence, galvanized steel grating tree fence, galvanized tree pool rake, Galvanized tree guard, galvanized tree cover, galvanized tree fence, and more.

Tree pool rakes, tree guards, tree pool covers, tree fences and other production standards:

  1. Flat steel and twist steel Q235/201/304/316, etc., the surface of hot-dip galvanizing or stainless steel polishing
  2. "Steel grid plate" in accordance with YB/T4001.1-2007 production, "hot rooled flat steel" in accordance with the standard GB404-88 standard production, "hot dip galvanized" in accordance with GB/T13912-2002 standard operation
  3. The current industry's most advanced machine pressure welding process (pressure welding type).

Steel Grating 5

Tree Pool Cover

Galvanized Tree Pool Cover, Painted Tree Pool Cover, Stainless Tree Pool Cover

Hebei Zhenxing Jinyuan Wire Mesh Group Co.,Ltd ,