Second-hand housing renovation hydropower reform is the most important

In the second-hand housing renovation, the transformation of hydropower and other lines is a particularly important project, and every family will be involved. In particular, some old houses, if they do not change hydropower, may not be able to use them normally or even be prone to fire, running water and other dangers. So, what should we pay attention to in such an important transformation? Let's take a look with me!

[Owner] Mr. Li
Birthplace: Zhejiang
Age: 42
Occupation: Media Industry
Family members: Wife, daughter
Hobbies: Football, Rock, Reading
Favorite movie: Midnight Barcelona
Motto: Treat people with sincerity

【New Home Area】 Qingdai Ba Village【House Type Information 】 Room 1 Room 4th Floor
【Monitoring time 】
May 19, 2012
[Participating in monitoring personnel]
Home decoration network Xiao Bian: That is my supervision master: Master Li photography and camera brother: Xiao Liu

Water Renovation Decoration Waterproof Socket Switch House Renovation House Electrical Fitment Living Room Kitchen Ceiling Household Kitchen Cabinet Kitchen Wall Tiles Kitchen Cabinet Door Kitchen Cabinet Door Kitchen Bathroom Ceiling Bathroom Tile Bathroom Door Bathroom Ceiling Material Bathroom Wall Tile Bathroom Ceiling Bathroom Wash Basin Toilet Design Toilet Waterproof Bathroom Floor Tile Toilet Leakage home improvement home kitchen tile balcony tile decoration home

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