Street Lamp Lamppost Built City Monitoring Wireless Network [Full Text]

The University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory is trying to use a lamppost to create a citymonitorwirelessnetwork.

This work is part of a research project called "Transport Information Monitoring Environment (TIME)". Cambridge University researchers will install sensors on street lamp posts to monitor the surrounding environment. David Evans, who led the research, pointed out that lampposts are not only common, they have strong institutions, they are stationary, and they also have power supplies. Therefore, they are very suitable for building high-density urban sensing networks.

“We have selected a lamppost on the large Malaysian road outside the lab to collect data and test which sensor is best for future research projects,” Evans said.

The equipment installed on the lamppost will be linked to the laboratory main building through a cheap, easy-to-deploy wireless network; 3G and 4G mobile communication technologies are also options that can be considered, and multiple lamp posts can also form a wireless network. Currently, researchers have installed infrared sensors on the lamp post, which can monitor traffic flow at a higher position than commonly used road surface induction coils or monitors installed on the roadside.

Researchers said that if large-scale deployment of smart street network, will provide real-time, free traffic control information or road conditions, and even provide long-term observation information for urban planners to assist in policy formulation. Therefore, in addition to the role of lighting in the future, street lights may also become a new force for improving the urban environment.