Ten choices of furniture options to teach you how to choose

Tip 1 Check whether the accessories are installed properly

For example, check the door lock switch is ineffective; large cabinets should be equipped with three hidden hinges, and some can only install two; the three screws, and some of the cuts, only one screw, use will be lost.

Tip 2 mirror furniture to check the back

Ten Tips for Furniture Selection Full Analysis Teach you how to choose the heart

Select furniture with mirrors, such as dressers, mirrors, and mirrors. Pay attention to whether or not the mirror is distorted. Check if there is liner and back plate at the mercury at the back of the mirror. There is no back plate. Qualified, no paper or line, otherwise it will wear away mercury.

Storage Furniture Furniture Installation Furniture Delicate Furniture Paint Glass Switch Space Function Sofa Bed Dressing Cabinet Children's Bed Children's Wardrobe Glass Cabinet Cabinet Door Multi-functional Sofa Glass Door Glass Furniture Children's Sofa Kitchen Cabinet Door Glass Table Glass Table Large Wardrobe Function Sofa Kitchen Glass Sliding Doors Bathroom Waterproof Bathroom door

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