15 natural elements home products let you embrace spring indefinitely

Prosperous nature and imagery can make people feel happy. Having close contact with the ocean, forests, animals and plants can make our lives more creative, and adding environmental protection and nature into our lives will make it easy for people to get simple. The joy of this is also a theme that designers have never tired of in recent years. Join us in exploring new music products and experiencing new ideas from nature.

PART1: Green Nature

Log pillow


Price: 199 yuan

Size: 38x16.5x16.5cm

Internal filling: polystyrene beads

Editor recommends: The shape of the pillow is very creative, from natural wood, full of natural feeling. Its realistic tree skin pattern is even more convincing. The internal filler is also polystyrene microbeads so that you can lie on it comfortably.

Jaws Diver and Shark Wall Clock


Price: 448 yuan

Size: 35cm in diameter

Material: glass

Editor's Pick: The mysterious underwater world always gives people unlimited desire to explore the deep forces that nature has endowed it. This wall clock is based on the deep sea of ​​divers and sharks, so you can't help but think that divers will become sharks' dinner?

Pillow small fresh creative lamps buy glass decorative lighting wall clock creative wall clock creative cup

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Iridium Mosaic

Glass Mosaic,Blue Glass Mosaic,Iridium Mosaic

Hundreds Flooring Co., Ltd. , http://www.chmarbletile.com