Solid wood floor cleaning and maintenance pay attention

The water content of solid wood floors is generally maintained at 8 to 13%. In normal conditions, such floors will not generally cause problems. However, improper use can also cause quality problems in solid wood flooring, such as: wet with water or scrubbing with alkaline water and soapy water, which will destroy the brightness of the paint; the bathroom and the room ground are not isolated; summer did not pay attention to pull the curtains, Makes the front floor of the window to be discolored and cracked after exposure to hot sunlight; or the temperature of the air conditioner is too low, which causes the temperature difference between day and night to change too much, causing the floor to expand or shrink too violently to cause deformation and cracking. Therefore, the use of solid wood flooring must pay attention to maintenance. The following are some maintenance tips for the use of solid wood flooring:

1. When the solid wood floor is under maintenance, we must pay attention to keep the floor dry, clean, and avoid contact with large amounts of water. Do not scrub with alkaline water, soapy water or other corrosive liquids to avoid damage to the paint film; use a wrung cotton mop to wipe, in case of stains with steel wool, wet mop, gasoline, flammable materials, and high temperatures are not acceptable. Wipe the liquid.

2. Wax once every period of time. The interval depends on the finish of the floor finish. It is recommended to wax at least twice a year. The method is to use a semi-dry rag to clean the floor and wax, the floor wax to be evenly applied to the surface of the floor and make it "saturated", wait a little dry and then use a dry soft cloth to wipe back and forth on the floor, until smooth and translucent .

3. If you accidentally pour or leave water on the ground, you must clean it with a dry soft cloth in time. After cleaning, do not expose the sun to direct sunlight or bake it in an electric oven to avoid drying too fast and cracking the floor.

4, the floor after the pavement should be reduced to the sun as much as possible, in order to avoid the paint by UV irradiation too much in advance chapped and aging. 5. Don't throw cigarettes or matches and other kinds of fire on the floor so as not to scorch the floor surface; avoid sharp, sharp objects and heavy items for long periods of time.

6. If the floor is not covered for a long period of time, do not cover it with plastic sheets or newspapers. Over time, the film will stick and lose its luster. At the same time, avoid high temperature objects directly touching the floor.

In addition, when the solid wood floor is in use, if individual floors are found to be warped or detached, the floor shall be promptly picked up, old glue and ash removed, coated with new glue, and compacted; if the individual floor paint film is damaged or white, it can be used No. 400 water sandpaper, soap, soap, sand, then wipe clean, until dry, after the local complementary color, dry color, then brush a paint, drying for 24 hours, with 400 water sand paper polishing, and then rub wax polishing.

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