Prevent bite and lock

Q: Under what circumstances will there be bite and lock, what is the reason?

Answer: The friction and adhesion generated by sliding between metal surfaces are the main cause of seizure. In the case of seizure, the material is pulled away from one surface due to stickiness and then the entire piece is attached to the other surface. In this process, the entire process develops very fast because the formed metal blocks accelerate the seizure.

The likelihood of a material sticking depends on its own toughness. Under normal circumstances, the softer the material, the easier it is to bite, and the harder the material, the stronger the resistance to seizure.

When bolted, the pressure generated by the contact and sliding between the thread surfaces can cause the threads to stick. Fasteners, which typically have thread seizures, are made of stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, and other alloys.

In extreme cases, bite can cause the threads to tighten tightly together and cause the bolts to lock. If you continue to tighten, it will eventually cause damage to the fasteners or damage to the threads.


Lubricate internal and / or external threads.

Reduce the speed per minute of the installation tool.

The selection of bolts and nuts of different stainless steel grades can achieve the purpose of reducing the bonding due to different hardness grades. However, the strength of the nut should always be greater than the strength of the bolt.

Gearbox/Screw Elements/Screw Barrel Parts

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