Fertilization techniques for several crop-specific fertilizers

Peanut: China's peanuts are planted in hills and dry areas, with shallow soil layers and low fertility. Therefore, the planting should be combined with the growth uniformity of the peanuts and the fertilizer requirement.
Application method: Before planting, the fertilizer applied in combination with the cultivated land is called base fertilizer, also called base fertilizer; when planting or ditching, when the hole is opened, it is called seed fertilizer. The base fertilizer is the basis of Miao Zhuang, Huawang, Guoduo and fruit. Should be based on the full application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, the principle of double application of phosphorus fertilizer, apply enough base fertilizer, appropriate topdressing. Generally, the peanut root system has the strongest ability to absorb fertilizer before the flowering needle.

Rice: Rice is a kind of food crop that needs more fertilizer. It usually needs more nutrients in the seedling stage and booting stage, especially in the filling stage, it needs a lot of nitrogen. Appropriate application of top dressing can meet the nutrition of the rice strong stage.

Fertilization method: Rice is generally fertilized after pulling the water to the ground, generally based on the application of base fertilizer. The specific application method is: applying 40-50 kg per mu of the field, combined with land preparation, last cultivation, evenly spreading, application. After the fertilizer, the top dressing can be applied in the seedling stage and the heading stage as appropriate, and the income can be increased by 15-30%.

Soybean: Soybean requires more fertilizer. Its absorption and accumulation of nutrients is different from other crops. Its characteristic is that its vegetative growth and reproductive growth are parallel in a long time, and the highest point is reached in the beginning of flowering.

Fertilization techniques and methods: According to the characteristics of soybean fertilizer and the scope of root activity, combined with local soil conditions and farming methods, the corresponding techniques should be adopted, mainly based on application and application. The base fertilizer is carried out before the autumn turn or sowing. The purpose is to supply the raw materials needed for the whole growth process of soybeans and promote the increase of soybean yield. However, the fertilization should not be excessive, and the water supply must be ensured after fertilization. The plant type and soil fertility must be fully considered.

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