2016 Feng Shui master exclusive secret trick: seven strokes to retain the god of wealth

Home feng shui has always played an important role, and wealth in the home also depends on home feng shui to a certain extent. We know that the living room is the "master" of the family. The key to fortune is whether your living room is in accordance with feng shui. Whether the God of Wealth will visit your door or not, first check if there is any mistake in the arrangement of your living room. At the beginning of the 2016 New Year, Feng Shui masters exploded an exclusive secret trick that will allow you to retain the God of Wealth! After reading this article, everyone must check their homes to see if there are any taboos in Feng Shui. Correcting them in time will still make a good transition.

I believe that in modern home design and furnishings, we can all hope that Cai Qiang often patronizes, so that the development of the family can be more clear and the source of income is more extensive. The living room is the home's facade, but also the family's leisure party, how to create a warm space, let it become a popular place? Let us from the feng shui point of view, for everyone to diagnose what kind of living room feng shui problems, in the furnishings Should you pay attention to those skills?

1. Getting started is the living room

The living room is a place to receive guests. Therefore, the correct plan is to enter the front door and you can see the living room. If you need to go through the bedroom or the kitchen before you arrive, it will make the interior and exterior of the house unclear. It will make life less private and easy to work. Or business may be derailed and may be flawed.

2. Full of light

The ancients said that the bright room is dark, meaning that the lighting in the living room must be sufficient and the air must be circulated. Therefore, if there is a positive energy at any time, the index of good luck will naturally increase.

3 smooth flow

The wine cabinet or cupboard in the living room must be close to the wall. In addition, the sofa must face the front door or the TV. Do not back the door, because the sofa back door will make your relationship not harmonious, and easy to commit villain or life with him. The tongue is right and wrong. Another reason is that if there is a thieves break in, there is more time for reaction.

Living room Feng Shui Feng Shui Taboo Home Feng Shui Feng Shui Fish tank Home Living room TV Living room Wine cabinet Residence Feng Shui door Feng Shui Kitchen cabinet door Home Furnishing Bedroom Lamp

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